Parable Of The Patch And Wine Skins In Scripture
Bible verses about Parable of the Old and New Wineskins. If new cloth is used to patch an old garment, and the patch becomes wet, it shrinks as it dries and. Dec 17, 2013 - This, then, is the meaning of Jesus' parables of the patched garment and. Patch teaching New wineskins previously uneducated students Old. Bern nadette stanis. People knew not to put new wine in old wineskins or a new cloth patch on an old. Parable of the Cloth and Wineskins; Parables of Counting the. Bible Version.
Parable Of The Patch And Wine Skins
The Parable of Luke 5:36-39 Re-examined The Emperor's daughter said to Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananiah: 'What beautiful Torah in an ugly vessel.' He replied, 'Learn from the house of your father. In what is the wine stored?' 'In jars of clay,' she answered. 'But all the common people store their wine in jars of clay!
You use them too? You should keep your wine in jars of gold and silver!' She went and had the wine placed in vessels of gold and silver, and it turned sour. 'Thus,' said he to her, 'It is the same with Torah!' She asked, 'But are there not handsome people who are learned?'