I finally managed to sort out the process to get it working. So for this tutorial I am going to show the basic steps of installing Crysis Warhead. Here is what I used: • For this ' How to' I am using Crysis Warhead DVD Box Set, which should cost only a few quid. • Wineskin which can be downloaded for free. • XQuartz which can be downloaded for free. • Tahoma font installer. • (Optional) Crysis Warhead Patch 1.1 download.
Step 1: Setup Crysis Warhead with Wineskin Before doing anything make sure you have installed XQuartz, because without this the games installer DVD won't work. So lets get started by launching ' Wineskin Winery' and ' Create New Blank Wrapper' making sure to choose ' WS9WineCX14.0.0'. The reason for installing this version instead of ' WS9Wine1.7.31' - is that for some reason when starting the first level of the game it kept freezing and crashing every time the loading progress bar got to 80%. And name the file ' Crysis Warhead'. Then just leave it to install the relevant files until the window appears telling you ' View wrapper in Finder'. This will take you to the newly created file.