Eddie Bauer World Travel Clock with Flashlight, Berry ONESZE, light, Eddie Bauer World Travel Clock with Flashlight, Berry ONESZE. Eddie bauer flashlight alarm clock instructions. 2009-03-08 00 28. Eddie bauer flashlight. Our hectares travel quite a bit and being protected. Hello i need a own manuel for eddie bauer 22627. Eddie Bauer Stroller TR245 BZW 1406240B. Need to find an Eddie Bauer Two-way Radio Manual.
What time is it in Athens?
From the normal time position, press Mode and the AL function will come up which is where you set the alarm. Instead of pressing SET, press the up arrow. Each time you press the up arrow it changes function. When the alarm function is on a little bell appears above the colon in the time.
The snooze has a ZZ that appears below the colon.The unique feature of this clock, is that it is the only one I have seen where the alarm works in the time zone selected. Most others, the alarm only works the home time zone, not the selected time zone. This is a huge improvement. Posted on Dec 27, 2009.
I thought that I had tried every possible combination, but after running through all of the possible key combos, determined that going to Alarm mode, then clicking on the up arrow once turns off the Alarm. No instructions came with the clock and none of the clocks in the store had instructions. It's nice to know that this thing won't be going off in my luggage during the TSA scan! I thought that I had tried every possible combination, but after running through all of the possible key combos, determined that going to Alarm mode, then clicking on the up arrow once turns off the Alarm. No instructions came with the clock and none of the clocks in the store had instructions.